It’s always a special time when you get to promote your local city for a shoot. Marketing Agency Avenir Bold reached out to us as a collaborative team member for this project.
Their client, ‘Visit Raleigh’, looked to launch their ‘Jump Back In’ campaign as an effort to draw in travelers to experience all that Raleigh has to offer.
With some of the creative direction already established and a very quick turnaround timeline, we came into pre-production with all hands on deck with production following close behind.
We immediately started casting and location scouting. Throughout this process, with the help of the established creative direction, we were able to strategically promote so many local restaurants, shops, and locations unique to the Raleigh area.
Due to the number of locations we needed to capture in a three-day period, we made sure to keep to a tight, but doable schedule. Strategic pre-production planning came in handy to keep us on track and ahead of schedule.
In addition to promoting Visit Raleigh, we also worked with and promoted groups from People First Tourism – a tourism group dedicated to showing the authentic culture of a location and deep connections with visitors.
Speaking of connection – we were thrilled that our cast came together with such great chemistry in such a short amount of time. Maybe it’s the process of spending three entire days together, but it definitely seemed like it was not their first time meeting.
This was especially important because of the requested style of the video: ‘Point of View’. Our client wanted the end result to feel like the viewer was right there in this friend group, enjoying themselves at all these amazing locations. This ‘POV’ style was vital to helping the audience see themselves traveling to Raleigh.
In order to achieve this, we made some stylistic equipment choices, including the choice to use anamorphic lenses.
Anamorphic lenses allow a wider field of view to achieve a more organic look to your image. We used them in this piece to help the audience feel like they were a part of the journey.
Overall, we wanted the storyline to feel like a group of young, professional friends who have traveled to Raleigh for a long weekend and feel like a collage or highlight reel of all that they experienced.
From rooftop bars to downtown streets – we covered so much of what makes Raleigh unique, giving just a taste of all that visitors can explore.
We also created a 30-second and a 15-second cut from this piece which you’ll find below.
We also worked with this client to place an audio description within a version of the video for the visually impaired. This made the video 508 compliant and helped to ensure everyone could enjoy the content.