What is AmeriCorps? It’s a question Volunteer NC is used to answering. Similar to the military or Peace Corps, AmeriCorps is another form of service to our country, working with nonprofits, schools, public agencies, faith-based groups, and community organizations. AmeriCorps programs meet critical needs in disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, as well as with our veterans and military families.
Volunteer NC advocates for individuals and communities to get involved with the needs of their own neighborhoods, through local and national programs like AmeriCorps. However, they were still missing connections with communities that could benefit from their programs. Going beyond definitions, they wanted to visually show the impact AmeriCorps programs have on hometowns throughout North Carolina.
In our creative direction, we showcased the needs in North Carolina through the lens of a photographer. The photographer captures beautiful yet somber photos all over the state of North Carolina, spotlighting the needs in each community. These photos are then viewed by AmeriCorps members who work to change them. In the end, these photos are a bit different instead showing the beneficial effects AmeriCorps had in each environment.

Highlighting all the ways AmeriCorps enables change with grants, assistance, and programs with real AmeriCorps members allowed future volunteers, and communities alike to see the impact and imagine how they could be a part of it.